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Stuff that's been happening...

What does it mean to be a man?

What does it mean to be a man?

What’s your journey with sex been like?

What’s your journey with sex been like?

Have you ever been caught masturbating?

Have you ever been caught masturbating?

I used to love partying but now I hate going out

I used to love partying but now I hate going out

I'm not ready to be a dad

I'm not ready to be a dad

I'm not getting as many erections as I used to

I'm not getting as many erections as I used to

I'm a one minute man, how can I last longer?

I'm a one minute man, how can I last longer?

Is mindfulness for dickheads?

Is mindfulness for dickheads?

Is eating too much meat giving me bad B.O.?

Is eating too much meat giving me bad B.O.?

I'm addicted to porn

I'm addicted to porn