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STUFF Cash Stash

STUFF Cash Stash

So you heard we're giving away five crispy pineapples (read: 50 buckaroonis) and you wanna know more?

It's pretty simple really. You order your STUFF online from here, wait for the postie to rock up, cross your fingers, somehow open up your box of STUFF with said crossed fingers (better luck this way), and hopefully you find a crispy pineapple stuck to the lid.  :money_mouth_face:

Pretty thrilling right?

Here's the finer details:

:pineapple: Open to folks in :flag-au: only

:pineapple: One winner per day

:pineapple: Five winners total

:pineapple: Winners drawn at random

:pineapple: Competition closes end of day Monday 20 September

:pineapple: Winners won't be able to return their STUFF (unless deemed faulty)


Ya gotta be in it to win it, so get your orders in now. Shop here.